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From the Desktop, to the Cloud, to IIOT - Data Collection and Exchange
from a Systems Architect's Viewpoint

BellHawk at the Edge

Milramco licenses software for implementing barcode materials tracking, labeling, and materials traceability solutions to manufacturing and distribution organizations in the food, pharmaceutical, construction, medical, defense and other industrial supply chains.

These solutions are based on two bodies of software:

  1. BellHawk, which performs barcode and RFID data capture, barcode labeling, inventory, asset, and work-in-process materials tracking and traceability.
  2. MilramX, which is an Enterprise Decision Support (EDS) system that performs information exchange with other enterprise systems, such as ERP and accounting systems, as well as exchanging data with the enterprise's supply chain trading partners.

This white paper describes a history of the evolution of the systems architectures used to host these systems over the past 25 years.

To learn more about how the architectures have evolved from client-server systems to a set of IIOT (Industrial Internet of Things) boxes in each plant or warehouse which capture real-time data, using RFID and barcode technologies, and then provide an enterprise view of manufacturing and distribution operations through Cloud-based servers, please click on
From Desktop through the Cloud to IIOT

Download the BellHawk Software Handbook

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