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Cost Savings from using BellHawk

There are many reasons that organizations need to track the flow of jobs and materials through their operations, including:

  1. Keep track of operations in real time
  2. Prevent operational mistakes
  3. Ensure that customer orders get shipped or installed on time
  4. Meet customer requirements for EDI information
  5. Meet Government agency mandated supply chain materials traceability requirements

This data can be collected manually using paper forms and the entered into Excel spreadsheets and then manually entered into an accounting or ERP system.

The problems with this are:

  1. The data is not captured in real-time - leading to information delays
  2. There are no real-time point-of action warnings when mistakes are about to be made
  3. Customer orders may not be shipped on time - leading to loss of customers
  4. The manual processes in data collection are labor expensive and mistake prone
  5. Manually exchanging data with trading partners is labor extensive and mistake prone

If manual processes are used, these typically take the time of between one and five full-time equivalent employees depending on whether the captured data is simply for job tracking or for meeting FDA mandated supply chain traceability requirements.

Today, the loaded labor cost of these employees typically ranges from $60,000 to $80,000 per year depending on the region of the USA.

A BellHawk automated job and materials tracking and supply-chain data exchange system typically costs between $7,200 and $16,000 per year to use, with a start up cost of between $6,000 and $24,000 for support services and equipment.

As a result, by automating the capture of job and materials tracking data using barcode scanning, and possibly the automation of data exchange with supply-chain trading partners, these systems are able to typically pay for themselves in less than 6 months.

Click here to learn more about How BellHawk can Increase Sales and Cut Costs.

Download the BellHawk Software Handbook

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