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Real-Time Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

One of the challenges facing many industrial organizations is how to deliver actionable  information to their managers and other employees whenever and wherever it is needed.

Businesses generate large amounts of data in the various systems they use but typically they get little actionable information out of their systems. The primary reason for this is that the data is not in a convenient form for presentation.

BellHawk helps solve this problem by:

  1. Capturing the needed operational data in real time. This is done using a combination of barcode, RFID, and mobile data collection as well as by aggregating information from other systems.
  2. Automatically analyzing this data in real-time to determine information about the status of operations including inventory, customer orders, production and processing jobs, labor, equipment, and materials in the supply chain.
  3. Making this information available through web-browser interfaces so that the information can be securely viewed anywhere, anytime on a wide range of devices ranging from PCs to tablets to smart phones anywhere there is an Internet connection.
  4. Examining the status information every few seconds to see whether managers, staff,  customer support, and other people need to personally intervene and generating alerts by Email or text message to their mobile phones or other devices.
  5. Collecting the real-time operational status information in history databases that can be easily used by a wide variety of report generation and graphical display tools to do ad-hoc reporting and analysis.

Unlike many other business intelligence software that simply displays the data , BellHawk  and the associated MilramX distributed decision support software provides an integrated real-time business intelligence solution from real-time data collection and real-time "Big Data" analysis to; making the resultant information available anywhere, anytime and providing alerts whenever operations managers and other personnel need to pay attention.

Please click on this link for more details of the AI Revolution in Operations Management.

Download the BellHawk Software Handbook

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